Mumbai: The V P road police station had registered an FIR against a man Sagar Belose (32), a resident of Virar, for allegedly attacking wife Sheetal Belose (30), on her neck with a cutter on Khadilkar road, Girgaon and also tried to commit suicide on August 5.
According to the police, the duo were married, however the wife doubted that the husband had an affair outside marriage and hence she decided to stay at her father's residence in VP road, “ She came at her father’s residence and Sagar was requesting her to come back at his place in Virar, Sheetal did not agree and hence he committed the crime,” said a police officer.
Visuals of the incident have surfaced on the internet showing disturbing scenes where the accused can be seen lying on the road in a pool of blood after injuring himself, while in another visual, the accused can be seen held by locals when the police just arrived at the spot.
Police Rushed To Spot After Receiving Information
The matter came to light on August 5, when the police were informed that one woman had been injured as the alleged accused had attacked her with the help of a cutter in the Girgaon area.
Sheetal was rushed to H N Reliance hospital while Sagar Belose was rushed to JJ hospital, “Both have sustained injuries and their condition is said to be stable and both are out of danger,” said the police. The duo lived in Virar and have a 10 year old child. Sagar has been booked under section 109(attempt to murder) of the BNS.