Thane: The office bearer of Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray (UBT) Shiv-Sena from Kopri-Pachapakhadi area allegedly received a threat call on WhatsApp from the former corporator Namrata Bhosale Jadhav on Wednesday at around 11 pm. The activist have written a letter to the Thane police chief Jaijeet Singh and asked for police protection.
Smita Angre, a office bearer from UBT Shiv-Sena said, "On Wednesday at around 11 pm I received a call from former corporator Namrata Bhosale Jadhav. She called me on WhatsApp call and started threatening and abusing me. She threatened me and said did you see the condition of Roshni Shinde. You are the next target and you will be facing the same fate as her."
Angre further added, "I went to Srinagar police station after the threat call. But the Srinagar police did not register my case. Me and my family are tensed. I wrote letter to the Thane police chief Jaijeet Singh asking for protection. I have also sent a letter to the Maharashtra home minister Devendra Fadnavis and also to former chief minister Uddhav Thackeray."