Mumbai: A case was registered against a 74-year-old individual, Chittranjan Dave from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, for alleged human trafficking at Sahar police station on Friday. Dave pretended that three individuals were employees of his company, created fake UK visas for them, and sent them to the UK. The police have arrested Dave, and the investigation is ongoing.
According to the FIR, on November 3, at 12.30 a.m., Chittranjan Dave arrived at the Mumbai International Airport to travel to Mauritius. When he presented his passport and Visa at the immigration counter, the officer discovered that the Foreign Regional Registration Offices (Mumbai) had issued a lookout notice against him, remarking, 'The Passenger is a suspected human trafficker and should be thoroughly questioned.' The immigration officer handed him over to the Wing in charge for further investigation.
Dave Sent Individuals To Europe Under The Guise Of Company Employees
The Wing Incharge initiated the inquiry and revealed that Dave had facilitated the settlement of 15 individuals in Europe since 2016. Authorities examined his mobile phone and discovered evidence of human trafficking. He claimed to own a company named 'Nirbhay Impex' and sent individuals to Europe under the guise of being employees of his fake company. A few photos, passport photos, mobile numbers, and travel information were also found on his mobile device.
The investigation further revealed that Dave provided fake UK visas to Harsh Parekh, Kunalkumar Patel, and Rikeshkumar Patel, under the guise of them being employees of his company. On the same day, he sent these three individuals to the UK via Dubai. He admitted that he had previously sent individuals to Europe.
The Airport Authorities have filed a case against him under section 370 (trafficking of persons) of the Indian Penal Code.