Mumbai: The Sakinaka Police on July 11 successfully captured two members of the notorious Tak-tak gang for their alleged involvement in theft. The arrest took place in Wajreshvari, Thane.
According to the police, the Tak-tak gang devised a distinctive strategy for stealing items from vehicles. The accused would position themselves near parking areas and scatter Rs. 10 notes around the targeted vehicle. Upon the driver's return, as they entered their car, one of the accused would tap on the side window to alert them about the money that had seemingly fallen out. While the driver stepped outside to collect the scattered cash, the other accused would surreptitiously open another door of the vehicle and steal valuable items, including laptops.
Accused residents of Tiruchirappalli
During the course of the investigation, it was revealed that the apprehended individuals had previously carried out similar crimes. They were identified as residents of Tiruchirappalli , Tamil Nadu, who had traveled to Mumbai as a group and executed their crimes using this premeditated modus operandi. The search for the gang's leader and additional accomplices is currently underway.
A case has been registered against the arrested individuals under sections 379 and 34 of the IPC Act at the Sakinaka police station. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities have already seized three laptops from the accused.