Mumbai: The Sahar police have registered an FIR and arrested an accused on the complaint of an immigration officer for tampering with a passport. The accused had torn two pages of his passport and discarded them. Additionally, he had affixed the cover page of the passport using gum and tape. According to information received from the police, an FIR has been filed against Shahzad Shahid Alam.
Shahzad Alam had torn and discarded two pages of his passport, which contained stamps from the Indian Immigration Authority for entry and exit. The accused had arrived in Mumbai from Jordan via Muscat. Flight number WY 0203, in which Alam was traveling, reached Mumbai at around 1:30 pm. During the exit process, when his documents were verified by the immigration officer at the counter, it was discovered that two pages had been torn and the cover page tampered with. When questioned about the reason for tearing the pages, the accused did not provide a proper answer initially. Later, he admitted to tearing two pages of the passport and discarding them.
Sahar police have registered an FIR against the accused under Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 12 of the Passport Act. An investigation in the case is on.