Mumbai: On Wednesday night as the clock strikes 12 midnight, Pandit Sandeep Bhatt will give an ablution to Lord Krishna. The Lord will then be offered tulsis and sit in a bright new dress. At Vraj Vihar Vaishnav Haveli in Kandivali East, which follows Pushti Marg, though the Lord’s birthday will be celebrated a day later, festive mood set in from Sunday itself.
“In Pushti mark, we celebrate the birthday a day later on Ashtam. On the night of birth there is not much because those are also secret moments. Lord is being moved from jail where he was born Mathura to Gokul. On Friday (September 8) when the Lord reaches Gokul, we have the swinging of the cradle, singing of hathi, ghoda palki jai kanhaiya lalki (Elephants, horses and palanquin, hail the young Lord). He is the only God who dances. He is romantic and positive,” said Avinash Parekh, one of the active members of the Haveli.
At the Haveli, members dress up Lord in bright vibrant colours and have Kirtans that tell about the Lord and his life. “People are informed about Kansa (his uncle) who kept his parents captive, his leaving of prision in the night, his leela (ways), his life in the midst of cows and Gopis. We also have a matki that is broken in the temple that celebrates his young days,” Pramila Parekh, trustee of Vruj Vihar Haveli.
Breaking of pot, swinging of cradle in which child form of Lord sits with bhajans is also enacted at private homes of people. “We make a small pot and if there is a kid at home, we ask him to break it,” said Ketan Bhatia, a Fort resident. Bhatia and his family make it a point to fast on the day of Lord's birth.
Dahi Handi celebrations
The day of celebration differs in Vaishnav Samprday and those who will be celebrating it in the city. In city, Dahi Handi celebrations will be held on Thursday. In Mumbai the prominent Dahi Handis will be in Kalachowkie, Worli, Tardeo, and Dadar. The bigger Dahi Handis will be in Thane where Pratap Sarnaik has declared that the Govinda mandal that will break the record of nine tier hyman pyramid will get ₹21 lakh award and trophies.
“We will be given total cash prize of ₹51 lakh with highest prize money of ₹51,000 for the tallest pyramid. No actor and actress is invited. Those who want to come on their own will come,” said Santosh Pandey, organiser of Parvartain Dahi Handi at Jambore Maidan, Worli which is supported by BJP's Ashish Shelar.
“We are giving a total cash prize of ₹11 lakh but I am yet to decide the highest prize money,” said MNS’s Bala Nandgaonkar whose Eklavya Foundation MNS organises Dahi Handi at Kalachowkie.