Mumbai: Apart from influenza A and B viruses, there is now a new subvariant (EG.5.1) of Covid in the UK and India. In the last 15 days, active cases in Mumbai have increased by 62% as until August 21 there were 67 active Covid cases which have rose to 109 until September 4. According to a senior health official, there is no need to panic as the number of hospitalisations is less than 1% and patients do not require oxygen or ventilator beds. Moreover, there has been a surge in viral fever due to which they are also being checked for Covid-19.
Hospitalisation rate low
“There will be a surge in active cases but the hospitalisation rate is not high. Given the current weather conditions, there is a rise in viral fever with similar symptoms and it is mandatory to conduct a Covid test. Most of them have been admitted for viral fever but have also tested positive for Covid,” said the official.
“We have been constantly monitoring cases and so far haven’t detected any new subvariant cases in Mumbai. We have also urged citizens to follow protocols and immediately consult a doctor instead of self-medicating,” the official said.