Mumbai: In a tragic turn of events that took place on Sunday morning, five boys of age group 12 to 16 years drowned in the Marve Creek of Malad. The incident was reported by BMC's MFB in the morning and has since triggered a massive search and rescue operation involving various agencies. Local authorities quickly rushed to the spot upon getting information of the unfortunate incident.
Two Boys Rescued, Three Still Missing
As per the latest update, out of the five boys who drowned, two have been rescued due to the swift action taken by members of the public before the arrival of the brigade. The two rescued boys were identified as Krushna Jitendra Harijan (16 years old) and Ankush Bharat Shivare (13 years old). However, the search for the other three boys is still ongoing.
Desperate Search Operation Underway
The incident occurred approximately half a kilometre from the sea shore, raising concerns about the safety measures in place at the location. As of the latest update, the Fire and Rescue Team (FRT) is leading the search operation, utilising boats, life jackets, and other necessary equipment to search the area for any signs of the missing boys.
Missing Boys Identified
The three boys who are still unaccounted for have been identified as follows:
1) Subham Rajkumar Jaiswal, aged 12 years
2) Nikhil Sajid Kayamkur, aged 13 years
3) Ajay Jitendra Harijan, aged 12 years
Multiple Agencies Mobilized for Rescue Operation
In response to the tragic incident, several agencies have been mobilized to assist in the search and rescue efforts. These agencies include BMC's MFB, Police, Coast Guard, Navy Divers, 108 Ambulance, and ward staff.