The Mumbai Traffic Police has requested that the Coastal Road remain open 24 hours a day during the Ganesh festival, which will take place from September 7 to 17. Currently, the Coastal road's southern arm operates from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., while the northern arm is also limited to these hours and closed on weekends. To manage the anticipated increase in traffic during the festival, the civic officials have agreed to keep the Road open around the clock.
The road is currently closed at night for work on the Bandra-Worli Sea Link (BWSL) connector, and the northbound carriageway is closed on weekends for construction. However, officials believe that allowing 24-hour access during the festival will alleviate traffic congestion on other internal roads, particularly on immersion days, which often see significant traffic diversions and restrictions.
"Approximately 95% of the work on the Coastal Road has been completed. We do not anticipate any issues with keeping the Coastal Road open 24x7 during the Ganesh festival," stated a civic official.
The BMC has plans to open southbound carriageway of the Coastal Road and BWSL by next week. The 10.58-km Coastal Road stretches from the Princess Street Flyover at Marine Drive to the Worli end of the BWSL.
The southern arm of the road, from Worli to Marine Drive, opened on March 12; the northern arm, from Marine Drive to Haji Ali, opened on June 10; and the 3.5-km stretch from Haji Ali to Abdul Gaffer Khan opened on July 11. In May, the BMC successfully launched two long 'Bowarch String' girders to link the coastal road and BWSL, though further progress was hindered by heavy rains.
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