A Mahanagar Gas employee at the CNG station in Ghatkopar’s Kamraj Nagar has been arrested for allegedly siphoning ₹12.4 lakh from the company’s account. Santosh Gulab Mane, a resident of Shivaji Nagar in Govandi, reportedly took the money over a period of three months from the company’s accounts under the pretext of depositing it in the bank account.
He was hired in August 2022 by the complainant, Santosh Dube, who gave him the responsibility of collecting the money generated daily and depositing it with the Mahanagar Gas’s vehicle, which arrives at the end of each day. As the vehicle didn’t accept cash with denominations of ₹10, 20, and 50, Mane had to exchange these notes from local stores, hotels, and other establishments for denominations of ₹100, 200, and 500.
Large amounts went missing
During a tally of his accounts, the complainant noticed ₹3,37,873 missing in August 2022 and confronted the employee, who claimed that it was in the process of being exchanged. However, he noticed ₹7.57 lakh missing in September and ₹4.48 lakhs in October last year. A total of ₹15.43 lakh had been missing and each time the accused promised to return it soon. Dube eventually stopped Mane from handling the money until he returned the missing amount.
Between November 2022 and February this year, the accused managed to pay back ₹3.39 lakh, promising to return the remaining ₹12,04,291 soon. However, he eventually stopped showing up for work and responding to phone calls.
Right to keep money, the accused argued
Employees at the gas station informed that the accused always kept a portion of the exchanged money with himself, lying to the cashiers that he has a right to keep it as he is a partner in the company.
A complaint was filed against Mane under section 381 (theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master) of the Indian Penal Code. He was arrested on Tuesday and is currently remanded to judicial custody.