MRA Marg police have apprehended two individuals involved in the theft of two motorcycles. These bike thieves, originally hailing from Malegaon, had been recurrently visiting Mumbai, Thane, and Navi Mumbai with the sole intent of pilfering motorcycles. Subsequently, once the theft was executed, they would return to their place of origin in Malegaon. The police have impounded a total of eight motorcycles from Ayyaz Ali Ansari and Abdul Majeed Ansari, effectively resolving 14 cases.
Modus operandi
According to DCP Pravin Mundhe, the modus operandi of these culprits involved frequenting crowded locations, scouting for motorcycles whose owners had inadvertently left their keys behind. At the opportune moment, they would abscond with the stolen motorcycles. Both individuals have prior records of motorcycle theft.
Ayyaz, who had served a six-month sentence for a prior bike theft conviction, was released from incarceration three months ago, subsequently resuming his criminal activities in the realm of bike theft.
DCP Praveen Mundhe disclosed that the arrest of the duo was made possible through the meticulous review of CCTV footage and technical data during the investigation of a bike theft incident that occurred on August 29.