In a shocking incident three members of a family including a 27-year-old woman, her 8-year-old son and her brother-in-law were found unconscious under mysterious circumstances in their tenement in Murdha village in Bhayandar on Friday night. While the boy identified as Rohit Chauhan, 8, was found dead on the spot, his mother Kavita, 27, breathed her last at around 4 am on Saturday while undergoing treatment at a nearby hospital.
Kavita’s brother-in-law Shyam Chauhan is admitted to a hospital where his condition is said to be critical. According to the police, when the head of the family, Ram Chauhan returned from his hometown around 8:30 pm on Friday, he found the door of his room locked from inside. When his knocks went unanswered he broke open the window and entered the room only to find all three lying in an unconscious state.
Cops await man to regain consciousness
Prima facie it appears to be a case of food poisoning as the family had dinner before the incident, however, the exact cause of death can be ascertained only after getting the autopsy reports and after Shyam regains consciousness and gives his statement to establish the sequence of events that took place on the fateful night,” said an investigating officer. The bodies have been moved for a post-mortem to the Pandit Bhimsen Civil Hospital in Bhayandar (west). As of now an accidental death report (ADR) has been filed at the Bhayandar police station. Further investigations were on.