Mumbai, Aug 04: The Kashimira police have arrested three more people on charges of aiding the prime accused who had lured a minor girl to elope with him from Uttar Pradesh. Unable to bear the trauma of being mentally and physically harassed, the girl had allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself to the ceiling of a tenement in the Penkarpada area of Kashimira on 28, July.
The prime accused had already been arrested and booked under the relevant sections of the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita, (BNS)-2023 for kidnap, rape, abetment of suicide and under the provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (PoCSO) Act, 2012.
According to the police the 17-year-old girl stayed in Shivrajpur village (Dharmdaspur, Newada) near Phulpur town of Azamgarh district in Uttar Pradesh. She was lured to Mumbai under the false promise of marriage by the accused who sexually assaulted her on multiple occasions at the tenement in the Penkarpada area of Kashimira.
During the course of investigations, it came to light that three people including-Galib Shaikh (22), Salman Khan (24) and Shamshad Shaikh (20) had allegedly aided the accused in providing accommodation and other facilities despite having knowledge about him eloping with an underaged girl from there village.
Further investigations were under way.