Mumbai: While the Maratha quota march, led by Manoj Jarange-Patil, is inching closer to the city with each passing moment, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde was engrossed in farming at his native in Satara district. “Fragrance of soil pulled me towards my motherland. When I come to the village, my legs automatically take to farming,” expressed Shinde on Wednesday.
CM's passion for farming
The CM had come to his native Dare village to attend a fair. Subsequently, he got busy with agrarian activities as his farms produce myriad of edibles ranging from turmeric, strawberry, mango, cashew to potatoes, apples and avocados.
Appealing to farmers to sow profitable crops, Shinde said that the state has undertaken bamboo growing mission on 10,000 hectares in Satara as it's always in demand. He further said that farmers should also cultivate silk and betel nuts. Employment opportunities are being made available to stop the migration from the Kandati valley in Mahabaleshwar, which is naturally rich, the CM added.