Mumbai: During Independence Day patrols on Wednesday, the Navghar police in Mulund intercepted a suspicious Bolero car at the southbound Airoli Toll Naka, discovering Rs. 3 crore worth of Mephedrone (MD) drugs inside.
According to the police, nakabandis had been set up across their jurisdiction since Monday to prevent any untoward incidents and maintain law and order during the Independence Day celebrations.
Early on Wednesday, police officers stationed at the southbound Airoli Toll Naka Gate spotted a Suzuki Bolero and signalled the driver to stop for inspection. As the vehicle halted, two individuals fled from the other side, while the driver, who also attempted to escape, was apprehended by the police. The driver was identified as Kalim Salim Choudhari, 27, a resident of Kurla.
Upon inspecting the vehicle, police found several kilograms of MD, with an estimated street value of Rs. 3 crore. Choudhari has been arrested and remanded to police custody for further interrogation, as officers seek to identify his two accomplices, trace the source of the drugs, and uncover their intended purpose, said officials from Navghar police on Wednesday evening adding that the vehicle - Suzuki Bolera has been seized by them,