Mumbai: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has recorded statements of Hustlers Hospitality Pvt Ltd director Krunal Ojha, his father Dinesh Ojha and one Firoz Multani in a case related to drug lord Ali Asghar Shirazi’s alleged investment in their business. During the investigation, Ojha denied that Shirazi had infused any drug money into their company.
According to sources, Shirazi served as the additional director at Hustlers and allegedly invested in several startup businesses involving Big Boss contestants. They said that Shirazi allegedly invested over ₹30 crore as seed funding to become an additional director alongside the Ojhas. It was from this seed funding that Krunal began his operations in the Cloud Kitchen. However, during questioning, Krunal said that the drug lord had promised funds but had not actually invested 2% of the promised amount. Before the ED raid a few days back, FPJ had contacted him regarding the Shirazi connection and his investment in Hustlers. He said that Shirazi had invested only ₹1.11 lakh as a token amount.
Krunal Ojha defends his stand
Shirazi, however, propagated that his company, Falisha Venture, made huge investments in Hustlers. Krunal added that he terminated Shirazi from his position as the additional director and confirmed that he has no further involvement with the company.
Regarding Hustlers startup project with celebrities, he emphasised that it is his own visionary project and had no links or investments from Shirazi. He initiated the startup in partnership with Big Boss contestant Abdu Rozik for his Burger Restaurant. The investment came solely from Hustlers and Rozik.
Hustlers partnered with Big Boss contestant
Additionally, sources indicated that apart from Rozik, Hustlers partnered with Big Boss contestant and actor Shiv Thakre for the Thakre Chai and Snacks startup project. However, due to Shirazi’s drug-related controversy, Thakre decided to discontinue the deal.
The investigation is still on and ED has seized some documents from Krunal’s company, which are currently under scrutiny.