The Rs1,566-crore cement road contract given to the controversial company RPS Infraprojects by the BMC is most likely to be scrapped by the civic administration. Not only Shiv Sena (UBT) and other opposition parties, but even the BJP, which is leading the Mahayuti government, are vehemently against the decision to favour the company, which was earlier blacklisted.
BJP city president and MLA Ashish Shelar has openly come out against the company. It has been learnt that several legislators of his party from the city, including Atul Bhatkhalkar, have also expressed their reservation about the tainted company. The pathetic condition of Mumbai roads has already become a big issue, with citizen groups and leaders like Aaditya Thackeray (Sena UBT) and Ravi Raja (Congress) slamming the BMC for its total failure to ensure proper roads despite spending thousands of crores of tax-payers' money.
With the assembly election round the corner, the Mahayuti government, which is in direct control of the BMC in the absence of corporators, cannot afford to risk the appointment of a contractor steeped in controversy. If the ruling coalition does not cancel the contract, it will become a major political issue during the upcoming assembly polls since every constituency is facing the problem of shoddy roads. Politically too, Devendra Fadnavis, who is the deputy chief minister and senior BJP leader, will find it expedient to revoke the contract since his archrival in the BJP is reportedly close to the company.
RPS Infraprojects was one of the companies involved in the Rs352-crore road repair controversy of 2016. A BMC probe found that six contractors, including RPS Infraprojects, J Kumar, Relcon Infra, RK Madhani, Mahavir Infra and KR Construction, were guilty of shoddy work and used substandard material. The BMC followed up the probe by filing police complaints against all the six firms. Also, fines to the tune of Rs15.4 crore were collectively imposed on these companies; three of which – RPS Infra, J Kumar and KR Construction – paid the fines.
RPS Infra was among other firms to be blacklisted. It was barred for seven years in the 2016 scam and two of its directors were arrested. However, most mysteriously, the period was reduced to three years by the civic road department engineers who appear to have a particular liking for the company. The company spokesperson was not available for comment. Earlier, the firm had claimed that the reduction in the blacklisting period was permitted.