Alirajpur (Madhya Pradesh): In defiance of Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav's directives, meat shops continue to operate within a 100-metre proximity of religious places in Jobat tehsil of Alirajpur district.
Despite several complaints from Mandi Road residents, these shops continue to operate in the open, causing discontent among the locals.
Residents have been grappling with this issue for over 14 months. They have made several complaints to the local administration and even to the Chief Minister but no one has paid heed to the situation.
These shops have been openly operated, with some even located directly in front of a church and close to a temple. (near the Dehdala Road intersection)
The continued operation of shops highlights a lack of fear for the administration's directives in Jobat. Despite CM's explicit orders, the illicit sale of mutton and chicken remains unchecked.
This disregard for the CM's mandate has prompted women in the area to issue warnings for protest, the responsibility of which lies with the administration and government.
Notably, newly appointed chief minister and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Mohan Yadav has ordered a ban on the "meat sale in open and unregulated use of loudspeakers in religious places" as soon as he assumed office.