Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh): A static surveillance team (SST) of Mandsaur has sealed two petrol pumps in the district that were found selling petrol and diesel on a slip. The team received a complaint on the cVIGIL app about two petrol pumps operating in Suwasra and Sitamau tehsils that were selling the fuels on the slip. Following the complaint, the team investigated the matter on Monday evening under the guidance of SDM and returning officer Shivani Garg.
The investigation revealed the validity of the complaint, prompting immediate action. The team initiated the process of verifying fuel sales with the use of slips and coupons. Consequently, these petrol pumps were closed and sealed by them. SDM Garg further emphasised that punitive measures are being pursued in this matter. She added this event serves as a reminder of the increased vigilance during these times to ensure free and fair elections.