Agar (Madhya Pradesh): Ujjain Lokayukta team caught a sarpanch red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 20,000 in Agar district on Tuesday. The sarpanch had demanded a total bribe of Rs 50,000 from a complainant under the pretext of approving the Prime Minister Awas Yojana's (PMAY) house. The complainant had already paid Rs 10,000 and was required to hand over an additional Rs 20,000 to meet the demand. The incident came to light when Amar Singh, a resident of Badi Sundi village, reported that sarpanch Balu Singh Malviya of Ahir Bardiya gram panchayat had sought a bribe for the approval of a PMAY house, initially demanding Rs 50,000, which was later negotiated to Rs 30,000.
Singh's name was on the list for the PMAY house and the sarpanch had used this as an opportunity to solicit a bribe. A team led by inspector Basant Kumar Srivastava arrested the sarpanch and a case has been registered under the Prevention of Corruption Act.