Kukshi (Madhya Pradesh): In a significant operation against illegal activities, Kukshi police seized a substantial consignment of illicit liquor worth Rs 2.59 lakh on Monday. Police also confiscated a pick-up van worth Rs 8 Lakh.
As per information, police station in-charge Rajesh Yadav received information regarding the transportation of the illicit liquor in a pick-up loading vehicle. Acting swiftly, the police team was alerted and intercepted a white Mahindra pickup loaded with illicit liquor.
Upon attempting to stop the vehicle at the Kolgaon gate, the driver made a desperate attempt to escape towards Ghatgaon Road, abandoning the vehicle and fleeing.
During the inspection, the Mahindra pickup (carrying a registration no MP 11G 5642) was found to be carrying 90 boxes of beer cans, totaling 1,080 bulk liters valued at Rs 2,59,200. The total worth of the seized goods, including the vehicle, was estimated at Rs. 10,59,200. The vehicle was impounded by Kukshi police station.
A case has been registered against the absconding accused under sections 34(2) and 42 of the Excise Act. SDOP Kukshi, Sunil Gupta, emphasised the relentless efforts to curb illegal activities and assured the swift arrest of the suspects.
SP Manoj Kumar Singh announced an award to commend the dedication of the police team. SDOP Kukshi Sunil Gupta and station in-charge Rajesh Yadav played significant roles.
The crackdown on illicit activities demonstrates the Kukshi police's commitment to maintaining law and order, promising further actions against such unlawful practices.