Shajapur (Madhya Pradesh): A six-year-old girl died after being bitten by a snake in a government school in Kachariya village, Shajapur on Tuesday. The incident unfolded when the deceased Suhani Patidar was attending school with her elder sister who serves as a teacher at the same school, Saraswati Shishu Mandir.
Out of nowhere, a snake emerged and bit Suhani as she sat in school. Before anyone could react, the snake's bite had already taken a severe toll on her health.
In an attempt to save her life, her family rushed her to the district hospital. However, the medical staff at the hospital declared her dead.
According to villagers, the snake had been lurking in a crack in the walls where Suhani was seated.
District hospital resident medical officer (RMO) Dr Sachin Nayak confirmed that the girl was brought to the hospital in a lifeless state. The local authorities were informed and further actions were taken by the police.