Amjhera (Madhya Pradesh): Within 72 hours after a 55-year-old man from Amjhera was found dead under mysterious circumstances, police, on Sunday, cracked the blind murder case and arrested the deceased’s 18-year-old son accused of killing his father. As per reports, on August 7, Amjhera police station received information about the discovery of a body in a hut in Bijaliya Khodra Amjhera.
The deceased was identified as Hemraj Mohaniya and police noted injuries over his head and blood stains on the ground. To evade police action, initially, the accused informed the police about the crime. Following his complaint, a case was registered and an investigation was launched. The investigation revealed that the deceased’s son Munna Mohania turned out as the accused who killed his father.
It was revealed that the deceased had been taunting, abusing, and humiliating his son in front of his wife due to the son's lack of means of livelihood. Fed up with taunts, Munna Mohania conspired to kill his father. He used to research various methods of killing his father for about 20-25 days, including purchasing a knife online and planning to poison his father's medicine.
During the interrogation, Munna Mohania confessed that he killed his father by hitting him on the head with an axe due to financial pressures, including the inability to pay off his father's insurance and other financial obligations. The police were interrogating him further to piece together the full details of the crime. Further investigations were underway.