Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): Collector Priyank Mishra, on Monday, directed officials to ensure that the Uphaar programme, scheduled to be held on August 10 under the Ladli Behna Yojana, is conducted in a dignified manner.
He told officials to make full preparations for the event, including inviting public representatives, organising cultural and plantation events and assigning local officials to duty.
During a review meeting held at the collectorate auditorium, collector Mishra also instructed the horticulture and forest departments to provide information about their plantation activities to the NVDA department and upload photos on the Vaydoot mobile app. He also directed the NVDA department to plan for plantation activities using saplings from the horticulture department's nursery.
Collector Mishra instructed SDMs to visit Kanwar Yatra sites in their areas and ensure that necessary precautions are taken to prevent accidents. He also directed officials to take action against stray animals and instructed the health department to conduct fogging and spray medicines to kill mosquitoes.
He emphasised the importance of improving the educational system and warned that action would be taken against officers, if necessary. He also instructed officials to continue the revenue Maha Abhiyan 2.0 and to recognise and reward officers and employees who are doing good work.