Mahidpur (Madhya Pradesh): Congress leaders launched ‘Mahidpur Assembly Parivartan Yatra’ from Parikheda village on Wednesday. Yatra convener and state committee member Ranchor Trivedi, block Congress committee chief Gajraj Singh Pawar, Jharda block committee president Vikram Singh Sisodia, district committee backward class cell chief Mangilal Kumawat were present on the occasion.
Upon reaching Marukheda village, National Students' Union of India (NSUI) chief Vikas Mehta accorded rousing welcome to Yatra.
Passing through Alakheda, Kamalia khedi, Tilyakhedi, Lambikhedi villages, Yatra reached Willkheda village, Kisan Congress committee chief Mahidpur Narendra Anjana also welcomed the yatra. State committee member Trivedi addressed Nukkad Sabha in villages and urged voters to support Congress in upcoming assembly election.
Attacking BJP over misrule, wrong policy and clumsy administration, he urged resident to fill forms of ‘Nari Samman Scheme’. Janpad panchayat member Kuldeep Singh Devda and Mukesh Bamniya besides veteran Congress leaders and workers also took part in the yatra.