Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): The poll fray in Dhar constituency became clear on Thursday with the completion of time for the withdrawal of nominations submitted for the state assembly elections. There are 12 candidates, including Prabha Gautam on Congress and Neena Verma on BJP ticket, in the fray. Besides, Rajiv Yadav, a rebel from BJP camp and Kuldeep Singh Bundela from Congress camp have decided to contest as independents.
Though both Yadav and Bundela claim good support, many consider that once again there will be a straight contest between Neena Verma and Prabha Gautam. Sources claimed that BJP leader Yadav had a phone discussion with Union home minister Amit Shah, and even after this, he was reluctant to withdraw his nomination. Bundela also discussed with former chief minister Kamal Nath, but no meaningful solution could be found. Meanwhile, Rajiv Yadav, former district BJP president, on Thursday held a press conference in which he levelled serious allegations against BJP candidate Verma. He said that he is contesting elections for the development and betterment of Dhar.
In the last many years, there has been no development in Dhar and whether it is the fight against COVID-19 or any programme, Dhar MLA always remained absent. He made many serious allegations, including MLA Verma’s partnership in setting up a liquor factory and now both Congress and BJP are fighting together for their liquor business.