Barwani (Madhya Pradesh): Votes will be cast at 1,224 polling stations in the district on Friday. It is expected that 10,69,195 voters out of which 5,33,594 men, 5,35,580 women and 21 third gender would exercise their franchise.
According to district election office, 1,42,100 men, 1,42,287 women and 16 other voters would cast votes at 305 polling stations of Sendhwa assembly.
Similarly, 2,84,403 voters, including 1,26,438 men, 1,26,293 women and two others would exercise their franchise at 292 polling stations set up in Rajpur assembly constituency.
Around 2,52,733 voters including 1,38,021 men and 1,37,269 women and two others would cast votes at 340 polling stations in Barwani assembly constituency.