Alot (Madhya Pradesh): A person was severely injured after a speedy car collided with a push-cart on Vikramgarh Road in Alot on Saturday night. Car also rammed into a grocery shop. The injured person was identified as Ranchod Porwal, 45. The incident took place at around 9 pm when Porwal was returning home from Kargil intersection. Eyewitnesses said that the impact of the collision was so much so that the car windows were shattered.
A quick action by onlookers and Alot police resulted in the apprehension of the driver attempting to flee the scene. The victim was immediately rushed to the District Health Centre. The accident yet again raised concerns over the persistent issue of encroachment on the road.
Despite being warned twice about encroachments on the road, no action has been taken to address the issue. The Kargil intersection is known for heavy encroachments by local businesses, restricting the flow of traffic and posing significant risks to both pedestrians and motorists. Municipal council chief medical officer had previously warned about the potential dangers and issued notices to local businessmen, however, no follow up action was taken.