Rajgarh (Madhya Pradesh): Rajgarh police arrested five people for gambling in Dhulet village on Thursday. The arrest came following a tip off. Acting on the information, two teams raided the reported gambling den, said police station in-charge Sanjay Rawat.
The operation was carried out under the leadership of SDOP Ashutosh Patel, following the directives of SP Manoj Kumar Singh and ASP Indrajeet Bakalwar. During the raid, the police apprehended five individuals, including Sunil Jain, Honey Sakunia, Jagdish Rathore, Lakhan Sakunia and Pradeep Jain. However, several others managed to escape.
They were later identified as Prakash alias CP Jain, Dilip Rathore, Umesh Rathore, Pankaj Dhulet, Dara Singh and Pankaj Jain. Rs 1.39 lakh in cash, nine motorcycles, five mobile phones and a set of playing cards were seized. In accordance with the law, a case was registered against the miscreants under Section 13 of the Gambling Act.