Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh): The family of a 23-year-old man, who was stabbed to death, staged a protest outside the Namli police station area of Ratlam. The family demanded a swift apprehension of the accused responsible for the murder and to demolish their houses. The deceased was Abid Hussain, who was brutally stabbed to death in Panched village.
According to Hussain's relatives, he was on his way to an MP online shop when he was confronted and attacked by a group of individuals, resulting in severe injuries that tragically claimed his life.
The motive behind this horrifying act is believed to stem from an ongoing rivalry between Abid and three men from the same village. In the wake of the murder, tension gripped Panched village on Monday evening. The Namli police station in charge, accompanied by a contingent of police officers, swiftly responded to the situation, transporting the victim's body to the medical college for post-mortem. A substantial police presence was maintained in the village to ensure peace and order.
Following the completion of the post-mortem, the grieving family brought Hussain's body to the front of the Namli police station, placing it on the road as they began a sit-in protest. Later, cops calm down the crowd. Further investigation are going on.