Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Wednesday launched 5G cellular services from ‘Shri Mahakal Lok’ in Madhya Pradesh. He said that 5G technology would be used for good governance, education, health and development of industries in the state.
Chouhan said that it was a historic day in the progress and development of Madhya Pradesh. Terming 5G services as a revolution, he said that it would enhance internet speed from 100 Mbps to 1,500 Mbps. “Now our farmers will be able to spray urea and medicines with drones. There will be a revolution in education and medicine. You will not have to go to Delhi-Mumbai for better treatment. With the help of smart classes, online classes of good teachers will be available for children living in remote areas of the state. Revolution will start in the IT sector,” he added.
The Chief Minister said that the government had been transferring funds directly into beneficiaries’ accounts through DBT. After 5G services government would provide e-vouchers for bicycles to school students. He said that the introduction of 5G technology would also help enhance security and crime prevention. Not only this, there will be a new revolution in the search for mineral wealth and in the logistics sector.
In the programme, a live demo of Reliance Glass was done before the CM by Reliance Madhya Pradesh-Chhattisgarh CEO Amitabh Bhatia and other officials. Through this, the working of human heart was seen live. After the live demo, the CM said that with it would help doctors in detecting heart blockage and other diseases.