Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh): Polling teams departed from Mandsaur PG College, carrying voting materials for Friday’s voting. The teams, dispatched from four assembly constituencies of Mandsaur, Malhargarh, Suwasra and Garoth, are set to conduct voting process from 7 am to 6 pm.
A total of 4,532 polling personnel would oversee voting at 1,133 polling stations across the district. This comprises 4,984 polling personnel, including reserve staff.
Mandsaur will have 304 polling parties for 276 stations, Malhargarh 309 parties for 281 stations, Suwasra 335 parties for 305 stations and Garoth 298 parties for 271 stations.
Reserve parties are also included in these deployments. The district has established 15 pink booths in Mandsaur, five in Malhargarh, 10 in Suwasra and 10 in Garoth.
Over 10 lakh voters are expected to exercise their franchise at 1,133 polling stations, with 5,22,984 male voters, 5,11,704 women voters and 12 third-gender voters. There are 40,214 youth voters and 14,441 elderly voters aged between 80 and 100 years.