Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A woman was booked for abetting the suicide of a youth in the MIG area, police said on Thursday. The woman had given Rs 3,000 to the deceased and was still demanding money from the youth who had already repaid Rs 37,000 to her.
This upset the youth and he took the extreme step. On the basis of the suicide note and the statements of the family members, the police have registered a case against the woman.
According to the MIG police, Nihal Rangari, a resident of Vikas Nagar area committed suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling at his place a few days ago.
A suicide note was also recovered from the spot. The deceased mentioned in the note that he had borrowed a loan of Rs 300 from a woman and he had already repaid a lot more but the woman was still harassing him and was threatening to implicate him in a false case due to which he was upset.
The family members informed the police that Nihal had borrowed Rs 3,000 and not Rs 300 from the woman, who was harassing him. The police have registered a case against the woman under section 306 of the IPC and started a search for her.