Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Police raided a house and nabbed for running a fake call centre in the Kanadiya area, police said on Thursday. She had hired some youths to make phone calls to people to dupe them on the pretext of playing online games. Two men, who used to assist the woman, were on the turn till the filing of the report.
According to Kanadiya police station in-charge KP Yadav, information was received that a woman and her accomplices were running a fake call centre to dupe people in the area. The police raided the house from where they were operating the racket.
The Woman could not show any licence or papers to run the call centre after which she was arrested and some mobile phones were recovered from her. During the investigation, it was found that the woman was being assisted by two men named Durgesh and Abhishek from UP. They had provided the mobile numbers of the people.
The woman named Simran was arrested and further investigation is underway into the case. A search is also on for Durgesh and Abhishek. The woman was running the call centre for two months. The police would get more information after the arrest of the men.