Indore (Madhya Pradesh): After bringing the zebras to the city zoo, now zoo officials have started preparing to bring the giraffe too to the zoo. For this, discussions are going on with zoos in Patna, Delhi, Hyderabad and some other zoos in India. The number of different types of wild animals in Indore Zoo is continuously increasing. Under the Animal Exchange Programme, many wild animals are being sent to other zoos and new animals are being brought from there.
Officials said that at present discussions are going with four big zoos Hyderabad, Kolkata, Patna and Delhi. In some places, the number of giraffes is high, so there is a possibility of finding giraffes there. If all the conditions are fulfilled then giraffes can also be seen in the zoo in the coming few months. However, for this, both zoos will have to make proposals at their respective levels and send them to the Central Zoo Authority and work on it will start only after approval from there.