Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Employment Day was observed in the district on Thursday. On this occasion, on the one hand, youth were given jobs in private companies, on the other hand, loans were also given under various government schemes for self-employment.
A total of 309 applicants were registered for the job fair and a total of 183 young men and women were recruited. On this occasion, an employment fair was organised at Government Divisional ITI, Nandanagar, on Thursday.
In the programme, acceptance letters were distributed to the beneficiaries of various self-employment schemes sponsored by the government.
General manager of District Trade and Industry Center SS Mandloi informed that in the programme, benefits were distributed by the bank under the self-employment schemes of various departments.
He informed that from April 1 to May 24 this year, Rs 617.89 lakh was given to 817 beneficiaries under the self-employment schemes of various departments. A job fair was also organised. Employment was provided to the youth in various companies in the job fair.
Youths with diplomas in Mechanical, Automobile, Electronics and Electrical streams participated in this placement drive. Selected youths will be given 12 thousand rupees stipend during training. Mandloi said that the initial selection was done through interview by the representatives of 16 companies.