Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A three-day yoga camp organised at Divya Shakti Peeth, located at MR-10, was inaugurated in the presence of Nina-Vinod Agarwal and Bina Bindal. Set up under the aegis of Balaji Sevarth Vinod Agarwal Foundation, this is the third such yoga centre of the city, which is exclusively for women. In the inaugural session of the camp, Pune's yoga experts Megha Singh and Tejashree imparted yoga and Zumba training to about 200 women. This camp will be held daily from 5 to 6.30 pm. Nutritious snacks, fruits and juices will also be arranged for the women coming to the camp on all the three days. Head of Divya Shakti Peeth, Divya-Sunil Gupta was also present on this occasion