Indore (Madhya Pradesh): On the occasion of World Book Day, divisional commissioner Pawan Kumar Sharma discussed books with youths at Government Shri Ahilya Central Library. Programme coordinator and librarian Lily Davar said that while addressing 180 students from eight colleges, Sharma spoke on many topics ranging from the origin of the Saraswati river, Indus Valley Civilization, Vedas, Mahabharata, Aryans' arrival in India and other topics.
After this, he discussed in detail Ramdhari Singh Dinkar's book ‘Sanskriti Ke Char Adhyay’ and said that this was his favourite book and today he got an opportunity to discuss it. This book is well-researched and everyone should read it once and keep it in their collection.
The youth asked him many questions and Sharma gave answers to all the questions. In the end, he said that as we read we get to know different ideas. We should make a habit of reading books and then form our views.