Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The Crime Branch has issued an advisory to prevent cyber frauds on Monday. The officials have said in the advisory that people are becoming prey to online shopping fraud during festivals.
Several people have fallen in the trap by fake e-commerce websites and applications after luring them for big offers on items.
These offers include discounts, cashback and buy one get one offer. People should protect themselves from cyber-criminals and should not share their personal information, OTP and verification to anyone.
The Crime Branch officials have urged the public that they can prevent themselves by following the preventive steps as given below:
* Do shopping from credible e-commerce websites and applications.
* Read reviews regarding the items.
* Do not click on a fake link on the mobile phone.
* Never share your OTP and verification code with anyone.
Contact police for help
* National Cyber Helpline No – 1930
* Indore Police Cyber Helpline No - 7049124445