Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The accused in the fake currency note case had found a unique way to make it difficult for people to gauge the authenticity of the notes at first glance. During police interrogation, it was revealed on Tuesday that the accused used to suggest to their clients to wash the notes with turmeric water so that the notes lose their shine and appear used and old making it difficult to differentiate between an original note and a fake one.
Police had arrested five people on Friday from the Annapurna area for running a counterfeit notes racket.
All the accused are from Betul and have been sent to police remand. They have been interrogated about the places across the country where they have circulated the notes and also about their network.
During interrogation, the accused revealed that they used to supply notes in Indore and neighbouring cities.
Last week police conducted a raid on a flat in the Annapurna area and seized the printing unit being used for printing fake notes. It is estimated that they have circulated fake notes worth Rs 30 lakh. Police also seized additional paper which would have been sufficient to print notes worth Rs 50 lakh. The arrested include the prime accused Rajesh Barbete along with four other accomplices. They had set up three to four printers and note threading equipment at their flat. Police also recovered machines used by banks to verify the authenticity of currency.