Indore (Madhya Pradesh): School of Law DAVV organised its Academic Fest for 2023 on Wednesday. The chief guest in the programme was district and additional sessions judge Gangacharan Dubey and the guest of honour was the secretary District Legal Services Authority and district judge Manish Kumar Shrivastava.
An interactive session was conducted with the guests on the topic " Legal Profession- Issues and Challenges". Chief guest Gangacharan Dubey enlightened the students on the cornerstones to be followed while pursuing their dreams. He also emphasised on the power of self and the importance of self-introspection.
Intra college debate winners held as a part of the academic fest of the School of Law were felicitated during the programme, where the topic was "collegium system in present scenario", wherein the 1st and 2nd prize winners were awarded. Medha Joshi and Ujjawal Tripathi were awarded for supporting the motion while Manish Sahu and Malaika Kadam were awarded for speaking against the motion. Dr Archana Ranka, the head of department of the School of Law welcomed the guests and addressed the students.