Burhanpur (Madhya Pradesh): Two friends allegedly committed suicide by hanging from a tree at a deserted place under the Dhulkot police outpost on Friday night. Outpost in-charge Surendra Singh Rajput said that suicide notes were found in pockets of both bodies.
Deceased’s were identified as Surendra Mandloi and Sanjay. In his suicide note Surendra wrote that he was frustrated with his life. He also apologised to his parents for his act. He further wrote that it was his own decision no family member be blamed for it.
Sanjay in his suicide note wrote that his lady-love was getting married to another guy. As he can’t live without her, he decided to end life.
The police sent the bodies for postmortem.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, seek help here: | Mental Health Helplines