Indore (Madhya Pradesh): In a somewhat surprising turn of events the girl accused of abetting the suicide of a B Pharma student who took the drastic step on Tuesday night has turned out to be a minor. The 16-year-old who used to teach Spoken English to the 19-year-old B-Pharma student at a coaching centre was sent to a juvenile centre while her mother was sent to jail for abetting the suicide of the B-Pharma student, an official said on Friday.
The deceased identified as Gaurav Hada, a resident of Bhagirathpura, took the drastic step hours after the police recorded his statement in connection with a complaint of rape lodged by the English teacher on Tuesday night.
Banganga police station in-charge Lokesh Singh Bhadoriya said that the police recorded the statement of the family members of the deceased who said that the deceased was called to the women's police station on Tuesday to file his statement after the girl lodged a rape complaint against him.
Subsequently, both parties reached a settlement and returned to their places. Later, the girl and her mother went to his house at night and threatened him after which Gaurav hanged himself. The police sent the mobile phones of the girl and deceased for a forensic investigation to retrieve the chat history.
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The police registered a case against the accused under relevant sections of the BNS.
Earlier, the deceasedís father Raju claimed that Gaurav was in a relationship with his teacher, who pressured him to cut off communication with others, even demanding that he quit his studies to be with her. Gaurav blocked the teacher, who then lodged a complaint at the women's police station on Monday.
Gaurav provided chat logs, recordings and photos as evidence, but all this was ignored by lady officers, who extorted Rs 45,000 for a settlement. Despite the agreement, the teacher and her mother continued to threaten Gaurav, leading to his suicide.