Bhilwara: A dramatic incident involving a woman occurred in Vastranagari in Rajasthan's Bhilwara. The video of the incident is doing rounds on social media and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. The woman was caught on camera damaging a car which belonged to a man who came to her neighbour's house, by throwing huge stones. The woman's actions attracted a crowd of onlookers as she continued the high-voltage drama for some time.
The woman damaged the car with stones
As per reports, the incident unfolded on Friday (January 12) near Ahinsa Circle in Textile City Bhilwara. The woman damaged the car with stones after a dispute occurred among neighbours over a minor issue. The Bhimganj police arrived at the spot and took people from both sides to the police station. There are reports that the enraged young woman initiated the drama on the road.
The woman hurling stones at the parked car
It can be seen in the video that the young woman is picking up stones from the road ans throwing them at the stationed car. The woman is seen breaking the windows of the car. She broke all the windows and also the front wind shield. She threw multiple stones at the car. The video was shot by a few onlookers and made viral on social media. The woman created the scene after the police took the neighbours along with them.
The police controlled the woman
The police returned to the spot after receiving information about the ruckus being created by the young woman. They controlled the woman and moved the damaged car on the side of the road. After counseling, both parties declined to file any FIR and were let go after giving a warning. If a similar incident occurs again, the police will take appropriate action. The video of the woman's vandalism is gaining widespread attention on social media.