Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath came down heavily on officials during a meeting on Monday evening over the law and order situation in the state. He pulled up superintendent of police (SP) of Ambedkar Nagar, where a girl came under a bike and died after two men pulled her duppatta.
The meeting that lasted over three hours saw Yogi questioning police authorities and commissionerate officials. He addressed concerns and reprimanded those responsible for negligence during the meeting, which started at 7 pm.
'Would have offered sweets to criminals'
One of the key issues that Yogi addressed was the Ambedkar Nagar incident, for which he questioned SP Ajit Sinha. Displeased over his response, the chief minister emphasised that had the government not instructed the authorities to take action, they would have offered sweets to criminals. He then asked, "Were you performing their 'aarti'?"
The Ambedkar Nagar incident garnered significant attention after a group of men pulled the girl's dupatta causing her to fall from her bicycle. After her fall, she was fatally run over by a bike. The accused molesters Shahbaz and Faisal were shot by the UP police in their legs and were taken into custody.
'Yamraj awaits those who commit crimes against women'
Yogi also said that police should take immediate action against such incidents and warned the authorities of repeating the mistake.
Earlier this month, Yogi said that those who commit crimes against women in Uttar Pradesh will face severe consequences and "Yamraj" (the God of death) will await them. His comments came after the Ambedkar Nagar incident, of which perpetrators were taken into the police custody. He also stressed that no one would be permitted to misuse the law to disrupt the state.