The final match of the 2023 World Cup between India and Australia will be played on November 19 at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. Hoping that Team India wins this match and secures the title of this year's World Cup, cricket fans across the country are offering prayers and performing rituals. On Saturday, the Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee also conducted a havan (ritualistic fire ceremony) for the victory of Team India at the party's state office in Lucknow.
In the presence of party state president Ajay Rai, the Uttar Pradesh Congress performed a havan on Saturday for the victory of the Indian team in the 2023 World Cup. Many leaders and organisational officials of the Congress party attended the occasion, offering oblations in the fire and expressing their wishes for India's success. On this occasion, Ajay Rai mentioned that they are conducting the havan at the Congress party office today for the victory of the country. The primary goal of the ritual is to ensure that the Indian team emerges victorious, he said.
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He stated, "Today, the party officials at the party office conducted a havan for Team India's victory. I was part of it, and I am hopeful that Team India will win the World Cup this time." He further expressed, "In tomorrow's match, Team India will clinch the World Cup title; this is the prayer to Baba Vishwanath. The Indian team boasts a lineup of skilled players. Winning this match will make the Indian team's flag wave triumphantly across the globe."