Amid heavy rainfall in the national capital on Friday afternoon, even the Delhi Secretariat, which serves as the administrative headquarters of the Government of Delhi, was not spared. Its premises experienced waterlogging, hampering the regular functioning of government offices and posing challenges for the officials and staff.
Journalists who were on-site to report their stories have shared videos and images on Twitter that show scenes of civic apathy within the building.
Watch the images here:
This is not the first time Delhi Secretariat has faced such a situation. Earlier in 2018, as per news reports, a section of the Secretariat building was flooded due to water leakage from the roof. In addition to this, the entrance of the building, situated at I P Estate near ITO, was entirely submerged within an hour of the rain.
Monsoon hits Delhi two days before schedule
The monsoon arrived in the national capital on Sunday, two days before its scheduled onset, bringing respite to Delhiites from the scorching heat. Waterlogging has been reported from several areas in the national capital and Noida.
An 'orange' alert has also been issued for the city by the weather department.
India Meteorological Department (IMD) scientist Soma Sen on Tuesday said that the monsoon is active currently with its rapid advancement during the last four to five days.
Leaving some parts of northwest India, the monsoon has impacted almost the entire country. Entire Gujarat and south-east Rajasthan have been covered by the monsoon. In the next two days, it is expected that south Punjab, Haryana and the remaining parts of Rajasthan will also receive rain, Soma Sen added.
Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi spoke to news agency ANI about the preparations made by the MCD for the monsoon.
"In the last 15 days, we have held meetings 2-3 times not only with MCD officers but also inter-departmental. We called officers from PWD, DDA, Delhi Jal Board, Railways and Metro. We discussed all the preparations that should be made. They have been instructed that instead of blaming each other, it will be better if all the officers coordinate and work to prepare Delhi for monsoon," she said.
On Sunday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) declared the onset of the southwest monsoon over Mumbai and Delhi together for the first time in decades as heavy rainfall with lightning and thunderstorm lashed the two cities on Sunday.
(With inputs from ANI)