Hapur: In a shocking incident, a couple was seen indulging in a show of affection in public on a speeding bike in Uttar Pradesh's Hapur District. The incident was caught on camera and the video is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that a couple is riding on a bike on the highway and the woman is sitting in front and the man is riding the bike while the woman is hugging and holding him tight from the front. The woman is seen in the video hugging the man while sitting on the petrol tank of the motorcycle in reverse direction.
The incident occurred on National Highway 9
The incident occurred on National Highway 9 which falls under the Simbhaoli police station. They also violated the traffic rules as the rider and the pillion were not wearing helmets and were performing the dangerous stunt on a national highway without any safety. They were involved in violating several traffic laws as they were riding without helmet and the woman was sitting in front that too facing the man and holding him tight in her arms.
Such stunts can prove fatal for the riders
Such stunts can prove fatal for the riders as well as the pedestrians and other vehicles that are moving on the road. The man who is riding with the woman sitting in front of him on the petrol tank of the motorcycle could meet with an accident as the rider was not concentrating on the road as the woman was sitting in front. The video was shot by a person who was in the car that passed the bike rider with the woman.
Another such incident came to light from Rajasthan
Another such incident came to light from Rajasthan in which a couple was seen kissing on a speeding bike in Jaipur. The video of the incident went viral on the internet and an inquiry was ordered into the matter. Government should take necessary action against such riders to avoid any major mishap due to these riders. It is dangerous for the lives of the riders and also the other persons who are driving and walking on the roads where such stunts are performed.