Kancheepuram: Actor and Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Ranjana Nachiyar was arrested by the Mangadu police on Saturday after her video of slapping and verbally abusing minor school and college going students went viral on social media. The incident occurred at the Kundrathur in Kancheepuram where the BJP leader is also accused of abusing the conductor and the driver of the government bus. Ranjana Nachiyar was arrested for interrupting government officials from executing their duties.
Ranjana Nachiyar stopped an overcrowded government bus
Ranjana Nachiyar stopped an overcrowded government bus on Friday (November 3) on which the students were performing dangerous stunts which could have turned fatal for them. The students were seen in the video while they were hanging on the entrance of the speeding bus and also few of them were seen travelling while sitting on the rooftop of the bus.
Nachiyar also started to slap and beat the students
Ranjana Nachiyar noticed the students travelling in the dangerous conditions and stopped the bus and first shouted at the driver for risking the lives of the passengers. She then went on and asked the students to deboard the bus and also started yelling at them. Nachiyar also started to slap and beat the students who refused to come out of the bus. After this she had an argument with the conductor of the bus due to which a case was registered against the BJP member.
Police waited outside the house of the actor for over half an hour
As per reports, the police said that they waited outside the house of the actor for over half an hour on Saturday morning after which she answered the door. A commotion erupted at her residence after the police entered her house to arrest her and the video of the drama went viral on social media. Ranjana demanded an arrest warrant from the police and also alleged that male police officers banged on the windows of her house while she was changing her clothes inside her house. The actress was arrested and has been taken to the Mangadu police station.
BJP leader CT Ravi slams MK Stalin-led government
BJP leader CT Ravi has slammed the MK Stalin-led government in Tamil Nadu over the arrest of Ranjana Nachiyar. He took to his official social media account and said, "I strongly condemn the arrest of BJP Tamil Nadu leader Thirumati Ranjana Nachiyar by the police for no apparent fault of Hers. If someone has to be arrested, then it is the state chief minister, transport minister and the officers who are responsible for school children travelling on the footboard of buses putting their lives at great risk."
He demanded MK Stalin to ensure the release of Ranjana immediately
He also said, "As a responsible citizen, Ranjana Ji exposed the failure of the so called “Dravidian Model” that has caused immense hardships to Tamil Makkal. I demand CM MK Stalin to ensure the release of Ranjana Ji immediately and take steps to make sure that Tamil Makkal travel safely in government buses."