The Central government on Monday told the Supreme Court that the apex court's verdict scrapping the electoral bonds was being misused by various persons on social media. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta told a fivejudge Bench of Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud and Justices Sanjiv Khanna, BR Gavai, JB Pardiwala and Manoj Misra that statistics pertaining to the disclosure of electoral bonds purchased by political parties were being twisted to suit an agenda and that the court is being embar rassed in the process.
"The ultimate aim was to curb black money and this court must be aware of how this judgment is being played outside the court. Now the witch hunting has started at another level and not at the level of the Central govern- meant.
Those before the court started giving press interviews, deliberately embar- rassing the court and it is not a level playing field. There is a barrage of social media posts intended to cause embarrassment and now it is an open field. Now statistics can be twisted as people want. Based on the statistics, any kind of posts are being made," SG Mehta said.
However, the court said that it is not concerned with how its judgments are being interpreted by third parties.
"As judges, we are only on the rule of law and work as per the Constitution. Our court is only to work for the governance of rule of law in this. polity. As judges, we are also discussed on social media but our shoulders are broad enough to take this.